Hi, I'm Dr. Lisa

This is my Access Story 

I received  my first Access Bars® session, a month after my father died,

and my world was falling apart. Nothing was working. During, that session, I took a breath for the very first time in my life. And I awoke to a world of choice and possibilities and 9 years later I travel and Zoom worldwide facilitating Access Consciousness®.

From that first session, I knew I the world required this information and I have dedicated my creations to bring this consciousness to whomever, and whatever country requires. When something works, I’m always ALL in!

I became a three day body class facilitator right away and haven't stopped. I am certified in many specialties, as well as, a Maestro.  These tools change my life and I am here to share them with the world for the change I know is possible.

Work With Dr. Lisa 1:1

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